• If you would like to pay now for discounted parking at the 2nd street garage adjacent to the building in which this event takes place, select this option and we will arrange parking for you for the four event days. (If you pay at the garage when you park, you will likely be charged $16 per day. See the event page for details about other parking and transportation options.)

If you are seeing the "Join Waitlist" notice above, the institute is currently full, but you can add yourself to the waitlist. If you are on that, we will accept your registration if space becomes available.

You may be eligible to apply for a travel scholarship. See the "full details" link above--the application deadline is April 14th.

Enter a coupon code here if you you have one. If you are finished adding participants, proceed to billing information to make your payment.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software